Health & Beauty
ExportersIndia contains a large list of categories like: ayurvedic products, beauty equipments, dental equipments, health equipments, herbal products, medical equipments, surgical instruments etc. under the main category Health & Beauty. The health and beauty market is a segment displaying high growth. According to the report, sales of goods used as part of health and beauty regimes (HBRs) substantially outperformed the level of growth seen in the markets in which they were found - including skincare, hair care and nutraceuticals. The market of health & beauty products like ayurvedic products, herbal products, nail care, hair care etc. is growing rapidly and experiencing wide consumer experimentation. As more and more people using health & beauty products the manufacture and export of these products is also increasing constantly. There are many popular manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and wholesalers of health & beauty products which are known worldwide.
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