Posted by maheshwari

Damiana may enhance sexual stimulation in both sexes. It may counter impotence for men and frigidity in women. Damiana can be consumed as a tea. It is also found as a potent extract in capsule form. Its scientific name is Turnera aphrodisiaca. Damiana has an aroma similar to chamomile.

Damiana has several other benefits:

* it increases energy and fights lethargy.
* it fights asthma.
* it balances mood swings and fights depression.
* it counters neurosis.
* it lowers blood sugar.
* it helps ease menstrual disorders.
* it helps to suppress coughs and it may help in fighting bronchitis.

As a psychoactive substance, damianadamiana_1-yellow-flower contains the following bio-chemical properties:

* volatile oils
* flavinoids
* gonzalitosin
* arbutin
* tanins
* damianin
* thymol
* cyanogenic glycosides
* essential oils
* trace amounts of phosphorous

Many content and happy couples continue to use damiana for a life of shared intimacy and closeness.