Posted by maheshwari

Periodontal disease is second only to the common cold as the most prevalent infectious ailment in the United States of America. It is the major cause of adult tooth loss and it affects 75 per cent of adults over the age of thirty-five. Periodontal disease therefore can refer to a disorder of the gums or other supporting structures of the teeth. Gingivitis or inflammation of the gums is the early stage of periodontal disease.

The disease is progressive as one ages, and, after awhile, the bones supporting the teeth begin to erode as a result of the gum infection. Poor nutrition may be a leading cause of gum infections. Red, bleeding gums, bad breath and receding gum lines are all symptoms of periodontal disease.

Clove oil is good for temporary relief of gum pain if rubbed on the gums generously. Sage sage_flower_01is good for gum disease because of its anti-inflammatory properties. Observe these instructions on how to use sage to treat periodontal inflammation:

1. Boil 2 tablespoons of dried, crushed sage leaves in one cup of water.
2. Steep for 20 minutes.
3. Strain.
4. Then rinse your mouth several times per day.

Use your clean fingertips to massage your gums and avoid sugar and all refined carbohydrates. Sugar causes plaque buildup and inhibits the ability of white blood cells to fight off bacteria.